With all the horror stories of stolen dogs going around these days, it’s great to see that one local family has been reunited with its beloved pet.
Kerry went missing during the severe thunderstorms of last weekend from her home in Laccabawn a few miles outside and well above Castleisland on the Lyreacrumpane / Listowel road.
Kerry’s Plight Generated Huge Response
We posted an appeal here on The Maine Valley Post at the time and Kerry’s plight generated a huge response and it got something close to 12,000 clicks.
Thank God for Good News
The family which issued the appeal for the missing ‘Kerry’ last weekend has now good reason to issue a big thank you to “the very kind man who took her in when she arrived at his back door covered in muck in Farranfore during the week.”
Thank God for a bit of good news as this crazy week comes to its conclusion.