Problems of Illegal Dumping on a Downward Spiral

Signs of the full moon party on the stand at Castleisland Desmonds GAA Club at the weekend. This kind of ignorance is an insult to the club and the generations of locals who put their hearts and souls into building up the facility to what it is today. ©Photograph: John Reidy
Dumping at Pound Road this week in a photograph sent in by a reader. With the statement: “We all pay for our rubbish collection – so why don’t they.”

If there’s anything positive to be found in the increasing spiral of illegal dumping around the countryside at present, it’s the ability of people to photograph and report such woeful acts of environmental vandalism and pure ignorance.

But it’s there the positivity comes to a grinding halt as it’s almost impossible for those enraged and insulted by such behaviour to advance their outrage beyond the photograph and Facebook posting.

Many people living alone in remote locations are afraid to post or report such activity in their areas for fear of reprisals.

Picked on by Vandals

And very often these are just the places picked on by the environmental vandals.

Littering of our roadsides has long been a problem and it’s one that’s only getting worse. Fast food outlet wrappers being dumped from cars are by far the greatest offenders.

Since the coming of the lock-down regime close to this time last year, the problem has become more noticeable as so many more people are walking the roads around their limited distances.

Party at Desmonds Pitch

It was clear on Monday that Castleisland Desmonds GAA Club grounds, and the stand in particular, hosted a full moon party over the weekend.

Alcohol bottles and cans littered the stand area and broken bottles were left as evidence that a good time was had by all.

Insulting to Caretakers

This is a facility that’s used by people of all ages and the result of generations of hard work by club members with funding from the local community.

Anyone who lived any kind of an airy existence will understand the needs of the youth of the area to kick the traces and party and enjoy themselves.

But when the fun turns to vandalism it impacts heavily on those who use the facility and it insults the work of all those charged with the responsibility for the upkeep of the grounds down through the years.

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