Curranes N.S. is a progressive, rural, co-educational school in Castleisland parish, located five minutes from Castleisland town.
There is an after-school service on-site, which operates up to 5.55pm daily.
There are currently 86 pupils attending the school. Curranes N.S. became a four-teacher school for the first time in September 2019, due to growing pupil numbers.
A school extension has been sanctioned by the Department of Education.
Four Mainstream Teachers
The fact that the school has four mainstream class teachers is of huge benefit to all pupils attending the school because there are reduced pupil numbers in each of the classrooms. The school also has two special education teachers to cater for pupils with special educational needs.
Curranes N.S. offers a broad and balanced curriculum to its pupils.
Inspector Finds Standards High
A recent Whole School Evaluation Report written by a Department of Education & Skills inspector states that many pupils are achieving very high standards in English reading, mathematics and in their ability to speak in Irish.
The school has an Active School Flag, a Green Flag and was awarded a Discover Primary Science & Maths plaque in November 2020. The school is currently participating in the Department of Education’s Digital Excellence Initiative.
The school is very proud of its choir which sings for important parish events such as Christmas Eve Mass, confirmation, first holy communion and the blessing of the crib in Castleisland town.
School teams and individual pupils participate and have success in a range of sporting activities such as athletics, gymnastics, swimming, basketball and football.
Set-dancing and tin whistle are also taught at the school.
Contact Details
Enrollment application forms are available on www.curranesns.ie or can be emailed to you on request.
Contact Details: The school principal, Emer Nelligan, can be contacted on 066 71 42021 or principal@curranesns.ie
For more information on Curranes National School you can click on the link here: http://www.curranesns.ie/
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