Beirt Ghaelgóirí ó Chóláiste Phobail Óiléan Chiarraí sa Chraobh Réigiúnach

Gaelgóirí ó Chóláiste Phobail Óiléan Chiarraí, Caitríona Ní Mhurchú (ar clé) agus Eilís Nic Ionnrachtaigh who are in the Junior Regional Final of the Gael Linn public speaking competition.

Comhghairdeachas do Chaitríona agus Eilís atá ag glacadh páirte sa chraobh réigiúnach don Chomórtas Óráide an Phiarsaigh le Gael Linn.

Congratulations to two Gaelgóirí- Caitríona Ní Mhurchú and Eilís Nic Ionnrachtaigh who are in the Junior Regional Final of the Gael Linn public speaking competition.

Seanfhocal ar Clár Oibre

Caitríona will be discussing the seanfhocal ‘Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine’ / We are all interconnected.

Eilís will be discussing ‘Tá na deiseanna céanna ann d’fhir agus do mhná i gcúrsaí spóirt’ / Men and women have the same opportunities in sport.

Hard Work

Principal Teresa Lonergan said that the two second year students have worked hard behind the scenes to reach this stage of the competition.

“They prepared their first speech during their Christmas exams and had to also work on a speech during the last midterm.

A Fantastic Achievement

“Reaching the last eight students for the Munster region is a fantastic achievement and the school is immensely proud of them.

“They have come from different backgrounds with Caitríona a past pupil of Gaelscoil Aogáin and Eilís a past pupil of Muire Gan Smál. Go n-éirí go breá leis an mbeirt agaibh,” arsa an priomhoide.

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