Taking to the Roads and Looking to Christmas at An Riocht

Taking to the Roads and Looking to Christmas at An Riocht

Now that the spring / summer schedules of events have run their course at An Ríocht Athletic Club, thoughts are firmly turning to those of the autumn / winter programme. During the summer an innovative, off the couch and onto the road series of training evenings culminated in a Couch-to-3K road race and fun run.…

Off the Couch and On To the Road for 3K Graduates

Off the Couch and On To the Road for 3K Graduates

Just over two months ago the people at An Ríocht AC launched a Couch-to-3K initiative to entice those to whom the more established 5K might look like a marathon undertaking. The idea was to get people away from the couch for the summer and it attracted a band of participants who are now looking to…

Couch to What ? It’s Brand New Couch-to-3K

Couch to What ? It’s Brand New Couch-to-3K

A new initiative to get people away from the couch for the summer has just been launched at An Ríocht Athletic Club earlier today. Couch to 3K begins at An Riocht AC on this Tuesday evening, June 14th at 7pm. It’s similar to other years as people eagerly await the summer season for an opportunity…