Scheduled Road Maintenance Work Brought Forward and Started this Morning

Scheduled Road Maintenance Work Brought Forward and Started this Morning

The scheduled, routine maintenance works on the Castleisland Bypass which was due to begin early next month has been brought forward and work has actually begun there this morning, Monday, September 25th at 8am. Councillors Charlie Farrelly and Fionnán Fitzgerald were informed and they have relayed the information for the benefit of their constituents. Needless…

Temporary Closing of Roads in Castleisland – Any Objections ?

Temporary Closing of Roads in Castleisland – Any Objections ?

Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to Section 75 of the Roads Act 1993, and the Temporary Closing of Roads Regulations 1994, Kerry County Council is proposing to close to public traffic the following road: Closure 1: N21 Castleisland Northbound and Southbound between Roundabout with L2041 to the North and Roundabout with R577/N23 to the…

Routine Maintenance Work on Castleisland Bypass on Monday and Tuesday

Routine Maintenance Work on Castleisland Bypass on Monday and Tuesday

Colas JV (CJV) will return to the Castleisland Bypasses on the coming Monday, May 15th to carry out routine maintenance and grass cutting works on the stretch of the 13 year old bypass from Killarney Road to Dooneen on the Limerick Road. Work will commence there on Monday from 8am to 6pm and continue on…

Castleisland By-Pass Maintenance Closure Notice for Next Week

Castleisland By-Pass Maintenance Closure Notice for Next Week

Cllr. Charlie Farrelly passed on the message below from Kerry County Council concerning the partial closure of the Castlesland By-pass for essential maintenance over Thursday and Friday of next week July 14th and 15th. “Please note that the contractor CJV are carrying out routine maintenance works on Castleisland Bypass as per the  program below: CastleIsland…

Diversions Through Town as Castleisland Bypass Closes on Monday and Tuesday

Diversions Through Town as Castleisland Bypass Closes on Monday and Tuesday

Cllr. Bobby O’Connell passed on a notice he received from Kerry County Council Senior Executive Engineer, Breda Mulryan about next week’s closure of the Castleisland Bypass over Monday and Tuesday. Ms. Mulryan, head of the roads, transport and marine department at the council, also issued the warning that the traffic diversions mean that the flow…

Castleisland Bypass Closure Notice for Today and Tomorrow from 8am to 4pm

Castleisland Bypass Closure Notice for Today and Tomorrow from 8am to 4pm

A reminder of the notice from Colas Teoranta and Roadbridge Joint Venture on behalf of Transport Infrastructure Ireland of the temporary bypass closure for the next two days from this morning at  8am to 4pm and the same tomorrow. The notice urges awareness of plans to close over a period of the two days to…

Bypass Closed on this Wednesday and Thursday from 8am to 6pm

Bypass Closed on this Wednesday and Thursday from 8am to 6pm

For the second time in less than a couple of months the Castleisland Bypass will be closed in two phases on this Wednesday and Thursday, July 8th and 9th for essential maintenance work. The bypass was also closed on May 12th and 13th last when a lot of heavy growth on the sides of the…

Castleisland Bypass Closures on Tuesday and Wednesday

Castleisland Bypass Closures on Tuesday and Wednesday

The levels of traffic usually siphoned off from the town centre by the Castleisland Bypass will be flowing back through its old thoroughfare for a couple of days this week. The annual raft of routine maintenance on the bypass at both sides of the Knocknagore roundabout from Dooneen on the Limerick Road to Clashganniv on…

Set Amergin Free – Appeal to Cllr. O’Connell on Knocknagoshel Waymark

Set Amergin Free – Appeal to Cllr. O’Connell on Knocknagoshel Waymark

The following letter to Cllr. Bobby O’Connell was written by Michael O’Shea from the Kells area of South Kerry.  Mr. O’Shea travels to and from Dublin and finds both a farewell and a fáilte kind of comfort in a 2008 established roadside landmark in the Knocknagoshel area. Cllr. O’Connell, in turn, turned to Kerry County…

Transition Year Students Supporting County Clean-up Day

Transition Year Students Supporting County Clean-up Day

Transition year students from St. Patrick’s Secondary School and Presentation Secondary School, Castleisland teamed up today to lend a hand with the Cpounty Clean-Up. They worked with local Tidy Towns activists and past pupils of St Patrick’s, Andrew Kelliher and Paul Geaney. Tackled the Bypass Together, they tackled the Castleisland bypass from the Mick Galwey…