A Soccer Game on Hogan’s Field and a Trip Back to 1981

A Soccer Game on Hogan’s Field and a Trip Back to 1981

I was wandering away in through file-land recently and some of the negatives from one of the first batches of photographs I took with a new 35mm camera suggested themselves to me. One evening during the summer of 1981 I was heading off up Pound Road on a camera testing mission when I heard voices…

Appeal for Security Camera Information on Damaged Car

Appeal for Security Camera Information on Damaged Car

A young woman in the St. John’s Park area of Castleisland is reaching out to neighbours and friends who may have seen a car from the neighbourhood reverse into hers recently. She’s wondering if anyone in the area has either security camera, dash-cam or mobile phone footage of the incident. She’s close to a hundred…

Are you on for Street Feast 2018 ?

Are you on for Street Feast 2018 ?

When I got the press release below from Kerry County Council during the week it reminded me of a great evening of celebrations organised by the community of my neighbours in St. John’s Park in September 2009. We celebrated the wonderful feat by our U-12 soccer team in winning that summer’s KDYS / Garda League.…

Gardaí make Fresh Appeal for Information on Search for Assault Weapon

Gardaí make Fresh Appeal for Information on Search for Assault Weapon

Gardaí are continuing their house to house investigations today into the discovery of a badly injured man at St Stephens Park, Castleisland at around 5.30am on Sunday last January 14th 2018. The man, in his late 20s, is now reported to be stable at Cork University Hospital. Serious Head Injuries He was transferred from University…

Golder Retriever Found – Owner Sought

Golder Retriever Found – Owner Sought

I just got in a message from Donnchadh Callaghan from St. John’s Park, Castleisland to say that he’d found the dog in the photographs yesterday. “She’s a beautiful Golden Retriever and a pure pet and we were wondering if you could help us find her owner by posting on The Maine Valley Post page,” Donnchadh.…

Ride-On Mower on the Way To St. John’s

Ride-On Mower on the Way To St. John’s

Two dozen residents of the 33-year-old St. John’s Park gathered on the entrance green for a specially convened meeting last evening at 7pm. The meeting was called by the residents’ committee chairman, Tom McCarthy and the topics included the maintenance of the estate into the future. Tom was generous in his praise of Billy O’Brien…

Estate Residents Seeking Insurance Advice

Estate Residents Seeking Insurance Advice

The recently activitated St. John’s Park Residents’ Association is seeking advice on insurance matters following on from Kerry County Council’s allocation of two high end lawn-mowers to the estate at the end of last season. Like many residential areas of its kind, it now finds itself in strange territory since the present government cut back…