Happy New Year agus Go mBeirimíd Beo Ar An Am Seo Arís

Happy New Year agus Go mBeirimíd Beo Ar An Am Seo Arís

As recent years go it’s hard to complain about the one that’s just sneaking away out from under our noses and behind a blanket of thick fog. It was a year like many others in that it stole away so many of our neighbours and friends – but it can’t be blamed for that. That…

We Wish You A Happy Christmas and A Healthy New Year !

We Wish You A Happy Christmas and A Healthy New Year !

After another year which can be described only as remarkable, we can hope that Christmas will bring us all a bit of respite. For some it will, for others and for a whole variety of reasons it simply won’t. There will be many people who will have lots to celebrate at this very special time…

Santa Keeps his Christmas Visit Promise to Cahereen Heights Residents

Santa Keeps his Christmas Visit Promise to Cahereen Heights Residents

The pure community effort which prevails in the tight-knit Cahereen Heights estate has been rewarded by visits by Santa himself over the past few years. They do say that he sees us when we’re sleeping and he knows if we’re awake and he also knows who’s working for the communities in the area. That’s why,…

Anyone in the Castleisland Area with Yorkshire Terrier Pups for Sale?

Anyone in the Castleisland Area with Yorkshire Terrier Pups for Sale?

I was recently asked if I knew of a person in the Castleisland area who sells Yorkshire terriers. As I didn’t then and still don’t, I’m relying on the goodness of the readers of The Maine Valley Post to bail me out on this occasion. Speaking of goodness, it is out of the goodness of…

Patrick O’Keeffe Festival Among the Fáilte Ireland Funded Grant Recipients

Patrick O’Keeffe Festival Among the Fáilte Ireland Funded Grant Recipients

The Festival & Participative Events Programme, which is funded by Fáilte Ireland, has provided €18,813 to support festivals and events in Kerry in 2021.  Cllr. Fionnán Fitzgerald passed on the good news for Castleisland that the Patrick O’Keeffe Traditional Music Festival is among the successful applicants and will receive just over €2,241. As part of the process, grant applications…

Cordal Winner Split the Bucket with Castleisland RFC

Cordal Winner Split the Bucket with Castleisland RFC

The winner of the weekly, Castleisland Rugby Club Split the Bucket draw held at Kearney’s Bar on Saturday, October 10th was Tom O’Shea, Cordal. Tom won €825. This weekend’s draw will be held at Browne’s Hardware on Saturday, October 17th at 4.30 pm. The club wishes all its supporters the best of luck and adds…

2020 Rose of Tralee Festival Nipped by Global Blackspot

2020 Rose of Tralee Festival Nipped by Global Blackspot

The Cathaoirleach of Kerry County Council has extended best wishes to the Rose of Tralee International Festival following the announcement that the event will not be held this year because of the current public health emergency. Cllr. Niall Kelleher said that the decision was disappointing but understandable. “Kerry County Council is a long-standing sponsor and…

The Maine Valley Post – What Can We Do to Help?

The Maine Valley Post – What Can We Do to Help?

In the light – or maybe dark – of what’s going on around us people are being asked to do what they can to limit the spread of the virus now gripping the world. As a social media platform for the greater Castleisland area we are putting our services at the disposal of people in…

Maintaining The Maine Valley Post – You Can Help

Maintaining The Maine Valley Post – You Can Help

Over the past few weeks you may have seen the contributions advert on these pages and it’s there for reasons of continuity and survival. We stress in this notice that The Maine Valley Post was, is and will be a free-to-access, local news site. There will never be any obligation on anyone anywhere to pay…

Tee Times Confirmed for Saturday’s Castleisland First Responder Golf Classic

Tee Times Confirmed for Saturday’s Castleisland First Responder Golf Classic

The tee times for this Saturday’s Castleisland First Responder fundraising Golf Classic have been confirmed and released with an 8am start and Walsh Colour Print leading the way. “The Castleisland CFR group would like to thank the local community which has positively supported us on our first major fundraising initiative,” said PRO Oorla Casey. The…